Manila '95
Es As4 g7 c7
1. For God so loved the world He gave us His only Son
f7 g7 As4 b B
Jesus Christ our Saviour His most precious One.
Es As4 Es/B G7/H c c/B
He has sent us His message of love and sends those who hear
f7 g7 As4 B11
to bring the message to every one in a voice loud and clear.
Es B c c/B
R: Let us tell the world of his love
As C7/G f f/Es
the greatest love the world has known.
B/D b/Des As/C
Search the world for those who have walked astray
as/Ces b B
and lead them home.
Es B c c/B
Fill the world's darkest corners
As C7/G f f/Es
with this light from up above
B/D b/D As/C as/Ces Es/B
Walk every step, every mile, every road and tell the world
B11 Es B/D c c/B As B11
Tell the world of his love.
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